Abstract Submission & Guidelines

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Abstract Submission & Guidelines

May 5, 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline
(all abstracts, films & LBA shells)

June 11, 2025

Abstract Notifications*
(all abstracts, films & LBA shells)

July 15, 2025

Registration Deadline for Presenters
(all abstracts, films & LBA shells)


Submission Deadline: May 5, 2025 (23:59 SAST – Cape Town, South Africa).
Please read the Submission Guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.

Key Dates

The below deadlines are applicable to all IGCS 2025 abstract submission types – regular, case study, trial in progress, pragmatic trial concept, surgical film, late-breaking shell submission**. For more information on each submission type, please review the abstract guidelines.

Abstract Submission Deadline May 5, 2025 (23:59 SAST)
Abstract Notifications* June 11, 2025
Registration Deadline for Abstract Presenters July 15, 2025

*Please note all efforts are made to send notifications by the planned date. Should there be any delays, revised dates will be posted here.
**Late-breaking abstract authors must submit a shell abstract by the May 5 deadline. Please note that only accepted late-breaking shell submissions will be eligible to submit their final late-breaking abstracts by September 29. For more details, please review the LBA shell submission guidelines

Abstract Submission Types

We are pleased to offer a wide variety of abstract submission types. Review the specifics of each type and submit your abstract by selecting the one most suitable for your research.

The regular abstract type is the primary and most comprehensive submission type for IGCS 2025. This category is open to a wide range of topics within gynecologic oncology and you can select your topic here.

Each abstract must include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background.
  2. Methods: The method(s) of study or data collection employed.
  3. Results: A summary of study research including enough details to support your conclusions.
  4. Conclusion/Implication: A statement explaining the significance of your work and the implications for further research, practice and/or policy.


Abstracts should be clear, concise, and adhere to the word limit and submission requirements as outlined in the submission guidelines. High-quality submissions in this category will be considered for oral, short oral, featured poster or ePoster presentations during the annual meeting.

For reference on abstracts accepted for presentations in previous years, please see below.

Starting this year, IGCS is welcoming case study abstract submissions on any of the listed abstract topics. The case study type is designed to highlight unique, rare, or instructive clinical scenarios that provide valuable insights into the management of gynecologic cancers. Submissions should focus on cases that underscore novel diagnostic challenges, innovative treatment approaches, or critical decision-making processes with broader implications for the field.

Abstracts in this submission type should be structured to emphasize the key aspects of the case, including:

  1. Background/Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background.
  2. Case Presentation: A concentrated summary of the case and its key aspects.
  3. Discussion: An interpretation of the case’s relevance to clinical practice or research and a brief literature review.
  4. Conclusion: A summary of the key takeaways and significance of the study.


Abstracts should be clear, concise, and adhere to the word limit and submission requirements as outlined in the submission guidelines. High-quality submissions in this category will be considered for ePoster presentations during the annual meeting.

The trial-in-progress type is intended for ongoing trials in gynecologic oncology that have not yet reached protocol-specified endpoints for analysis. This category provides investigators an opportunity to share the objectives, methodology, and current status of their trials on a wide variety of topics, fostering awareness and collaboration within the community.

Abstracts in this category should include:

  1. Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the trial and pertinent background.
  2. Objectives: A description of the primary and secondary endpoints of the trial.
  3. Methods: A summary of the study design, interventions, participant selection criteria, and statistical methods.
  4. Current Status & Future Directions: A brief outline of the trial progress, expected timeline for data analysis and potential clinical impact.


Please note the following eligibility criteria and important items regarding TiP submissions.

  • The NCT number (from clinicaltrials.gov) or its national/regional equivalent, in accordance with the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) standards, must be submitted alongside the abstract during the submission process within the Questionnaire section.
  • TiP abstracts are applicable to trials in Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III, as well as combination trials involving multiple phases (e.g., Phase I/II).
  • Recruitment must have already begun or have been completed by the trial-in-progress abstract submission deadline for IGCS 2025.
  • Abstracts including results or preliminary data will not be considered.
  • TiP abstracts submitted to IGCS 2024 are allowed for resubmission to IGCS 2025 if new data is included.

Abstracts should be clear, concise, and adhere to the word limit and submission requirements as outlined in the submission guidelines. High-quality submissions in this category will be considered for ePoster presentations during the annual meeting.

For reference on abstracts accepted for presentations in previous years, please see below.

Starting this year, IGCS is welcoming pragmatic trial concept abstract submissions on any of the listed abstract topics. Pragmatic trials are concepts for new and innovative trials answering key clinic questions in the field of gynecologic cancer that have previously not been tested. These are especially trial designs and concepts that are NOT currently in progress however there may be preliminary data either in the phase 1 or pre-clinical stages that is hypothesis generating. These trial concepts should have clearly defined outcomes of interest including PFS, OSS, ORR, etc. Background and methods should be clearly elucidated along with an explanation of why the trial is novel and what clinical question should be answered. Trials in the category should be collaborative and geared toward low-resource settings.

Each abstract must include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the trial and pertinent background, including an outline of the innovative aspects.
  2. Objectives: A description of the primary and secondary endpoints of the trial. Objectives should focus on practical questions and outcomes, such as
    – Treatment effectiveness in a broader, non-controlled clinical setting
    – Health outcomes in diverse patient populations
    – Cost-effectiveness or healthcare resource utilization in real-world practice
  3. Trial Design: A description of the proposed design of the trial (e.g., randomized controlled trial, cohort study, etc.), including the pragmatic aspects that differentiate it from traditional trials.
  4. Feasibility and Implementation: A brief outline of the potential for implementing the trial in real-world settings. What challenges might arise in terms of patient recruitment, data collection, or logistics?
  5. Conclusion: A summary of the trial concept, reiterating its importance for advancing gynecological cancer care


Abstracts should be clear, concise, and adhere to the word limit and submission requirements as outlined in the submission guidelines. High-quality submissions in this category will be considered for oral or ePoster presentations during the annual meeting.

IGCS welcomes surgical film submissions on a wide variety of topics. Surgical film submissions will be evaluated based on educational content and audio/visual quality.

All films must meet the following requirements: 

  • Films must be uploaded to VIMEO and an open-access URL to the film must be provided in the specified field within the abstract submission site.
  • Providing a Vimeo link is done only through the abstract submission site.
  • The film URL upload should be set up so that anyone using the link can view the film. Click here for detailed setup guidelines. The submitter is required to ensure that the VIMEO ULR will remain accessible from the moment of submission until 3 months after the IGCS 2025 Meeting.
  • Films cannot exceed 8 minutes to be considered.
  • Films must be uploaded to VIMEO in MP4 format.
  • Films must include either sound (recorded narration) or subtitles.
  • Films must be free of commercial or product bias.
  • Films must be uploaded in HD, in order to assure the best quality possible. The minimum dimensions accepted are 1280×720 (720p); 1920×1080 (1080p) and we suggest not compressing the file but leaving it in the original format. Please do not exceed the maximum length of 60 FPS.
  • Films will be evaluated based on educational content and audio/visual quality.
  • If the film is not set up as outlined above, this may prevent the assessment of the contents. The meeting organizers may contact you shortly after the submission deadline in case there are technical issues with the submitted film.
  • Closer to the meeting, film presenters may be contacted with a request to send their films directly to the meeting organizers in MP4 format if selected for presentation.

Abstracts for surgical film submissions must include the following sections:

  1. Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background.
  2. Description: Short description of content (and surgical technique).
  3. Conclusion/Implications: A statement explaining the significance of your work and the implications for further research, practice and/or policy.


Abstracts should be clear, concise, and adhere to the word limit and submission requirements as outlined in the submission guidelines. High-quality submissions in this category will be considered for for featured or on-denamd presentations during the annual meeting.

For reference on abstracts accepted for presentations in previous years, please see below.

Starting this year, IGCS requires shell submissions for late-breaking abstracts on any of the listed abstract topics. Late-breaking abstracts (LBAs) are reserved for high-impact research findings that were not available by the regular abstract submission deadline. The IGCS 2025 Meeting will accept only randomized trials as late-breaking abstracts.

IMPORTANT: To ensure a fair review process, authors intending to submit an LBA must submit a shell abstract by the regular submission deadline.

View LBA Guidelines