Late-Breaking Abstract Submission
Key Dates
Shell Submission Deadline | May 5, 2025 (23:59 SAST) |
Abstract Notifications* | June 11, 2025 |
LBA Submission Deadline for Accepted Shell Submissions** | September 29, 2025 |
LBA Title & Presenting Author release | October 29, 2025 |
LBA Full Abstract Release*** | November 5-7, 2025 |
*Please note all efforts are made to send notifications by the planned date. Should there be any delays, revised dates will be posted here.
**Please note that only accepted late-breaking shell submissions will be eligible to submit their final late-breaking abstracts by this deadline.
***Late-Breaking Abstracts will be released on the day of their scheduled presentation.
Late-Breaking Shell Submissions
Starting this year, IGCS requires shell submissions for late-breaking abstracts on any of the listed abstract topics. Late-breaking abstracts (LBAs) are reserved for high-impact research findings that were not available by the regular abstract submission deadline. The IGCS 2025 Meeting will accept only randomized trials or original research showcasing innovative studies with significant, practice-changing impact in gynecologic oncology as late-breaking abstracts.
IMPORTANT: To ensure a fair review process, authors intending to submit an LBA must submit a shell abstract by the regular submission deadline.
The shell abstract must include:
- Title of the abstract.
- Authors and their affiliations to the best of the submitter’s knowledge at the time of submission. The author list may be updated during the full abstract resubmission process if your shell submission is accepted.
- A brief explanation of the study and why it qualifies as late-breaking included in the abstract introduction (e.g., key data not available by the regular deadline).
The text of the LBA shell submission should be organized into four section headers as follows:
- Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background.
- Methods: The method(s) of study or data collection employed.
- Preliminary Data or Expected Results*: If available, include any preliminary findings, interim analyses, or a brief description of data collection progress. If results are unavailable, state when you expect them to be ready (e.g. “Data collection is ongoing, and results will be presented by …”).
- Significance and Impact*: Highlight the potential implications of the study and why it is of high importance to the field.
*Please note: Sections “Preliminary Data or Expected Results” and “Significance and Impact” will be removed from the final LBA submission for accepted shell abstracts and the corresponding authors will be requested to organize the text as per the full LBA sections outlined below.
Late-Breaking Full Abstracts
Accepted LBA shell submissions:
- Only shell abstracts that are accepted by the Review Committee will be eligible for full abstract submission.
- Acceptance/rejection emails for LBA shell submissions will be sent out on the notification date of June 11, 2025.
- Presenting authors of accepted LBA shell submissions will be contacted with more information about the process, and next steps of the full abstract submission.
- Full abstracts must be submitted by the LBA deadline, providing the complete data, results, and conclusions.
- LBAs are intended for studies of significant importance that enhance the conference’s scientific program. Failure to submit a complete abstract by the LBA deadline may result in withdrawal from the program.
- LBAs accepted for oral presentations will be placed under full embargo. Their titles and presenting author names will be announced via the IGCS 2025 website one week before the meeting. The final embargo will be released on the morning of the scheduled oral presentation day. For more details, please review the IGCS 2025 abstract embargo policy.
Full LBAs of accepted shell submissions must be reorganized into four section headers as follows:
- Introduction: A brief statement about the purpose of the study and pertinent background.
- Methods: The method(s) of study or data collection employed.
- Results: A summary of study research including enough details to support your conclusions.
- Conclusion/Implications: A statement explaining the significance of your work and the implications for further research, practice and/or policy.
Abstracts should be clear, concise, and adhere to the word limit and submission requirements as outlined in the submission guidelines. High-quality submissions in this category will be considered for oral presentations during the annual meeting.
For reference on abstracts accepted for presentations in previous years, please see below.